Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Valentine's Ode To My Husband

In 2006 or early 2007 I was extremely ill with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. I was on disability and losing my ability to function quickly. This was by far the most frustrating experience of my life. I had absolutely no control, not even the glimmer of an illusion of control. I was raking the web for any information I could find on how to get better from whatever was wrong with me, which was still TBD but had been ruled CFS after nothing else was wrong with me. One of the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome organizations sent an e-mail about a traveling CFIDS awareness exhibit. It was going to be showcased at a mall not far from where we lived. It was extremely important for me to see this. I needed to know who I was connected to. Who else was sick and had this with me. 

I dragged my CFS self around the mall, searching and asking where the exhibit was. Finally we found it. It was pathetic. It was hidden in some long upper hall entrance to a dowdy and boring department store. It was large cardboard pictures of people and their faces. And there was a brochure about  CFIDS. No one was even in echo distance. It was sad. My husband was so sweet and supportive that day. He took interest, for my benefit obviously. But he was there when that small little activity exhausted me and we had to head right home. He has been through hell and back with me and not even for one second not put me first in his life. I guess this Valentine's is a little late honey, but I want you to know I don't know how I could possibly love you more each day but I do.

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1 comment:

  1. I love hearing about your wonderful loving relationship with your husband. What special people you both are. Thankyou for sharing your story with us. It gives me so much hope for my future with Fibro.
