Sunday, February 13, 2011

I Shoplifted! (Re-post from 7/6/10)

I went to my favorite local health food store this past week and my first stop before hitting the dairy case was to grab some incense. I proceeded with the rest of my shopping trip, checked out and went to grab the keys to my car from inside my purse. I opened my bag to begin fishing through the mayhem and sitting right on top of everything was the incense!? I asked my husband if he had put it there, he had not. I racked my brain trying to figure out how it had gotten in it is slowly dawning on me that in my spaced-out medication-dazed-Fibromyalgia-haze I had most likely put it inside my purse instead of in the cart! Still not willing to admit that my auto-pilot had failed me so, I frantically scanned my receipt, hoping I had somehow paid for it though I had no recollection of how it had come to reside in my purse. No dice, not on the receipt. Cold panic grips my heart as I realize I had just shoplifted! So I grabbed my wallet and the incense and headed back into the store and got in line. I paid for my $1.50 box of incense, left the store and went on my way. My husband asked me what they said when I told them I had left the store without paying for it and I looked at him incredulously and proclaimed, "You think I told them?!".

This breakdown of thought to action could get me in serious trouble. At the very least, it is extremely alarming that my brain (void of conscious thought) had directed my body to place something that was not mine into my purse. It kinda makes me question all sorts of things that I take for granted, and not just "Did I lock the front door?" or "Did I turn the coffee pot off?" kinda stuff. What really big lapse am I capable of "unconsciously" committing? How can you even begin to explain something like that? "Sorry officer, I just paid for $96 worth of groceries but felt it necessary to steal a $1.50 box of incense!" It terrifies me to wonder how much of my life I spend tooling around in this daze. I guess all is well that ends well. I did not actually steal anything, but I did manage to scare the bejesus out of myself and start to worry about all sorts of "unconscious" actions that could be happening at any time.

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1 comment:

  1. I have had such a most ebarrassing expereance in my life i go food shopping with someone always so my friend was with me now i pack all my groseries in a bag before hand so i can lift them because i have trouble bending and lifting this so i do so i am organized and it is less bending and lifting. so i am with my friend and i said before we leave i need a drink and starbucks is in the store so i went up and got myself something cold to drink and not thinking i walked out . i didn't mean to but i did now instead of anyone saying hey are you going to pay for that they took my cart and said they were calling the poilice themanager didn't want to hear any part of what i had to say and the police were much more friendlyer so i coperated and with them. I shop in this store all the time and would never in my right mind steal from them this is my local grocery store. I explained to the police my condition and that that morning i started new medicine also so i was extermly foggy all morning. I have a clean record and was completely embarassed and slightly anoied with the friend i was with who is really there to help me i thought. needless to say she got arresrted but on worst charges for her order was over $550 min e was 324 but anyway. I really do belive they need to come out with a fybro med braclet i have never in my life would steal it was just a huge mistake. I feel i can not come out of my house or even look at anyone. the whole experience as put me through a worst place than i was. and it was alla mis understanding. i and 33 years ols with 2 childern and i feeel i have let them and my husband down and i just cant get out of this i will not go shopping in a store any more i will now only order my food online or anything else. I really nees some advice i have a great atty and my husband is also one too, this is why i feel so stupid, he is being very supportive brcause he knows how much i have been dealing with my memory and confusion, i just don't feel people know or relize hoe debilitating this diease really is. i am sooo very sorry but is is no use to anyone but my husband.:(
